Thomas C. Baggaley

Composer / Songwriter / Musician

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This page features films and videos that I have worked on over the years - both narrative videos and music videos that feature some of my own compositions and arrangements. As I continue to get more work, I will continue to update this page with new links and videos. And, of course, my growing list of projects will also be reflected on my imdb page and dramatic credits list. See my page on Scoring for Film, Television and Video Games for more information on my work with those kinds of projects.

Unfolding - a film by Christian Vuissa


Unfolding is a short film produced, written and directed by Christian Vuissa while he was a student at Brigham Young University. The film won multiple awards on the festival circuit. One important part of the story is a recording of music by Rachmaninoff. While the music that plays is based on an actual Rachmaninoff piano work, Christian wanted it re-written and recorded to incorporate the cello and violin. I designed additional thematic material to work in counterpoint with the melody from the Rachmaninoff piece, and you can hear the result during the baloon ride near the film's climax.

Collide - a short film by Grant M. Johnson


Collide is a short romantic film from Grant M. Johnson. Central to the film is an elaborate montage in which the main character witnesses a lifetime of beautiful experiences that might have been. As the montage proceeds, the images flash by faster and faster, but I found that rather than accelerating the music to match the increasingly rapid pace of the optics, the sequence played better with the music maintaining a relative feeling of calm and beauty. This film was also a multiple-award winner, including awards for music in a drama and in a sci-fi fantasy from the Southern Shorts film festival.

Southen Shorts Award of Merit for Music in a Drama

Southern Shorts Award of Merit for Music in a Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Fountain Scene

I was hired to mock up some music for several scenes from this unfinished feature film so that the filmmakers could use them to raise money and finish the film. This is a quick audio mix, not the finished product, to demonstrate the mock up I created. This scene is entirely in Spanish (no problem, since I speak Spanish). It is a romantic scene later in the film.

Officer Whitman

I was hired to mock up some music for several scenes from this unfinished feature film. This is a quick audio mix, not the finished product, to demonstrate the mock up I created. In this scene, the main character has been affected by a medical condition that causes him to speak only in Spanish. Here, he encounters a police officer and runs into difficulty trying to explain his condition.

Waking Up in the Hospital

I was hired to mock up some music for several scenes from this unfinished feature film. This is a quick audio mix, not the finished product, to demonstrate the mock up I created. In this scene, the main character wakes up in the hospital and discovers he is not ... completely well.

Accident Flashback

I was hired to mock up some music for several scenes from this unfinished feature film. This is a quick audio mix, not the finished product, to demonstrate the mock up I created. This is a flashback scene in which the main character, as a young boy, witnesses the roadside death of his father.


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